To eat eggs or not to eat eggs? That is the question!
Eggs Eggs

To eat eggs or not to eat eggs? That is the question!

Did you get wind of the latest egg health headlines saying that eggs were associated with heart disease? Before you consider eliminating egg yolks all together once again, let’s consider the study design. When we examine better-designed egg health studies, you’ll be putting egg yolks back on the menu. 

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What You Don't Know About Omega-3 Fats

What You Don't Know About Omega-3 Fats

If you really understood how critical omega-3 fatty acids are to keeping your brain sharp, your heart healthy, and your mental health intact, you would make sure you and your family were eating more of them! Omega-3 fats have an important role in reducing inflammation, blood clots, and blood pressure, and are critical for learning, vision, and brain function; especially for the brain development of babies and children. Even childhood food allergies and postpartum depression are linked to a low intake of omega-3 fatty acids! We usually talk about omega-3s in conjunction with seafood, but I have a couple of non-fish suggestions that will help you get more of this incredible fatty acid in your diet. Furthermore, so you don’t get confused by tricky labels, I will clue you in on the omega-3 label language and the different kinds of omega-3s.

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The Breakfast To Sharpen Our Brains and Slim Our Bodies

The Breakfast To Sharpen Our Brains and Slim Our Bodies

A protein-rich breakfast can reduce hunger and keep us satisfied throughout the day and into the evening, according to several studies from the University of Missouri. Some of these studies used brain scanning techniques and found that a high-protein breakfast impacts different parts of the brain than a low-protein breakfast.

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Egg Yolks: The Good Guys

Egg Yolks: The Good Guys

Eggs – including the yolks – are the good guys, not the bad guys!  Truly a superfood (for those not sensitive or allergic to eggs) if there ever was one, they are packed full of nutrients that are not as prevalent in other foods. Don't worry, the charges have been dropped and egg yolks have been been cleared of previous accusations that they cause heart disease.  Eggs are not all equal in nutritional content, but they all provide an inexpensive, quick, high quality protein that can enhance your health and appearance!

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