Help Employees Succeed with Wellness Goals

a group of coworkers at a restaurant smiling

Help your employees succeed by encouraging them to form healthier habits rather than dieting. 

Research indicates that the majority of dieters gain back most of the weight they lose while dieting and often end up gaining more than before. 

It’s time to ditch the “diet” mentality. This includes fad diets that promise someone can “lose weight fast.” Weight may come off quickly during a fad diet - but instead of losing body fat, valuable muscle is lost and body fat percentage even increases as the pounds return at the conclusion of the “diet.” In addition, many of my current clients who previously tried a fad diet expressed that their hair thinned during the process.

Unfortunately, people keep buying into the promise of rapid weight loss. The weight loss and diet industry hit a peak in 2019, valued at $78 billion

Now is the time to set employees up for sustainable, long-term health and wellness. Let’s team up to invest in their wellbeing and encourage them to make small, sustainable changes to their health – mindful eating, eating ergonomics, better sleep, food timing, moving more, eating more produce and eating less ultra-processed foods. Weight loss fast diets are not the answer. But making small, approachable, reasonable changes to one’s daily choices IS the answer.

Start by offering a 12 week 12-Fix Group Challenge in your organization to provide them with tools to modify their lifestyle and to sustain positive changes for life. Contact me to learn more about the challenge program and how to get started. Let’s help your business, organization or group feel amazing about the changes and success they’re about to undergo.

Are you a dietitian interested in leading 12 Fixes to Healthy programs?


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